Foundation strengthening and soil stabilization of the historic tavern building in Haapsalu
When restoring a historic tavern building, the designer added extra load to the building, causing suspicion of subsidence. A responsible team promptly stopped construction works and started to inspect potential subsidence, ascertained that it was highly probable and that the building required additional support. The subsidence was considered dangerous because one corner of the house rested on former city wall that definitely did not sink. Such uneven situation caused quick breaking of the house. Moreover, house foundation consisted in simple stone wall typical to the time when it was built, which caused some stones to shift out from the wall. Thus, foundation lost part of its load-bearing capacity.
URETEK technology was used to stabilise the area adjacent to stone wall in order to support and bind existing foundation. Only after that, URETEK Baltic team started stabilisation of the subsoil under stone wall.
URETEK Baltic team cannot estimate the extent of money and time saved for the client, because the client had excluded the option of excavating the foundation for stabilisation purposes since the very beginning.